Keeping track of feelings with Vitae
Personal Playground
Design System
UX Design
Responsive Web App
The Project
Vitae is a very dear project for me. It started as a university project for my Interaction Design class. We were required to design an app of our own invention... The main objective was to choose the problem we wanted to solve and showcase how to solve it. In my case, I chose a Mental Health app.I had a situation in my family, dealing with the topic of depression and self harm and I thought if I could only create an app to make it better.

That’s when I came up with Vitae (Life in latin). Vitae is an app that connects a therapist to their patients. With a little biometric device, let’s say, a smart watch, users could keep a constant string of communication. The app would track vitals and match them with quick and easy entries, like it was a journal.

In it, patients could:

- Track their mood & vitals
- Write journal entries
- Check their latest data with a history view
- Send a constant string of data to their therapist
- Receive alerts when levels are down depending on standards set up by their therapist
- Get content suggested to them depending on all the previous variables listed
Log in and homepage (mobile - patient app)
Log your feelings feature (mobile - patient app)
Patient/Therapist messaging feature (mobile - patient app)
Therapist overview page (web - Therapist app)
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